Monday, July 25, 2005


Well it's been a while since I last posted. Still waiting calmly for the contract on our house to be signed (what the F**K is taking them so F**king long to sign the G*D D**M thing).

Mainly, though, I've been reading. The book is one I just happen to pick up it has to do with a boy wizard, pretty interesting. Just kidding! It's was an awesome book, I can't wait for the next one.

I have been knitting though, and ripping, and knitting, and ripping again. I'm working on an uninspired sweater out of Jaeger JB18. This one but with no beads. Yeah I'm in rut.

I did just get Anne Modesitt's Corset Pattern, which looks awesome on the couple of people I've seen who've finished it. I may have to set my other project aside in favor of this one.

Other than that, and the extremely TENSE train ride to and from work (where I can now be searched for no apparent reason whatsoever), things are great. Is it me or does going through random people's bags seem completely reactionary (not to mention totally a violation of civil rights) and highly innefective and LAME? I know people here at work are all like, "it's about time". About time?!! Soon they'll be able to enter your house for no reason and if you don't consent that's fine, you'll just be arrested that's all.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

House Hunting

Well things have been nuts around here. My husband and I have been looking at Co-ops. We found one that is absolutely perfect and our offer has been accepted but things are not finalized yet so I'm going to stop talking about that....but if all goes well my pictures will start looking a lot better (read windows and natural light).

I have been getting some knitting done. I am still working on my subway knitting (a sock) and it's going very well. It is the first time I've done a heel not using short rows and I've enjoyed learning a new technique. As for the lunch bag I was working on it is all finished and looks awesome.

I'll be working some more on my dress and hopefully have some progress pics this weekend. I'll also stop procrastinating on my NBaT and finally get the border done with (hopefully!).

Monday, July 04, 2005

NBaT Nearly Complete

This weekend felt gloriously long and I had a very nice time. We spent Saturday and part of Sunday at my Mom's where I worked on my dress but didn't make enough progress to bother taking pictures. Today we took Andy to the dog run, watched the incredible and I knit.

I was able to basically finish my NBaT, all that remains is the embroidery, which I haven't been able to decide on yet. Now that it's complete I do like how it looks but think the color is a little too close to my skin color. I think that the embroidery will need to be in a bright color and should be at the neckline, as well as on the sleeves and hem. Here's where it is as of now.

I'm seriously at a loss as to what to make next. I browsed all my books and magazines and nothing is speaking to me, so I am making a knit lunch bag based on this cute pattern. It is called The Doggie Bag but I decided to make it a little bigger and use it to take my lunch to work. I am making it out of this gorgeous Malabrigo Yarn I bought (before they sold out and doubled the price).

Should be a quick knit and in the meantime I'll surf other peoples blogs and try to get inspired to make my next sweater.